Week 4 TT Progress

I like to call this one "fatty, fatty two by four!"
MORE (Gastric Bypass) PICTURES
Today is a GREAT day! It is Doug's birthday, Alex turns 3 months old today and... Addy is 2 years, 8 months, 1 week & 3 days LOL!
Things have been getting a lot better this week; some days I almost forget I had surgery at all :)

My average daily pain level is about a 1; sometimes 2, but rarely. I have stopped taking pain killers , but sometimes I take ES Tylenol.
I have been sleeping in bed since pretty much every night - through the night.
I have been doing much more myself, like grocery shopping and wasn't as tired, sore nor swollen when I got home.
Taking care of the kids, breastfeeding, chores, cooking and showering normal.
I still feel a little numb in my outer thighs. I still have some sharp, shooting pain run through my left upper thigh when I move a certain way, but they are less and less frequent lately. I am hoping that these things are temporary.
I still wear my binder but not nearly as much as I had been. Sometimes I go several hours without. I will try to use Spanx in the near future instead.
As for results:
Results =
5 Thrilled
4 Happy
3 Pretty Satisfied
2 Disappointed/Unhappy
1 Regret doing it
I still feel like I am holding steady at 3.5; maybe pushing 4.
Day 21 (05/05/10) I was playing with the kids in the back yard and attempted to lie on my tummy! WOW! What a mistake! I got the worst shooting pain through my left thigh and it persisted for quite a while this time. I am nowhere near ready to be able to lie on my tummy yet. :(
Day 24 (05/08/10) We ran quite a few errands and did some shopping. I was surprisingly not too tired, sore or swollen afterwards. Today after my evening shower I noticed a sore spot by my vertical incision. This has me worried because the skin is also purple-ish. I am hoping and praying that it does not turn into something like necrosis; which the surgeon said I was out of the woods for. I guess time will tell.
Day 25 (05/09/10) Was Mother's Day! I had a fantastic day with Doug and the kids. We went to brunch at Red Lobster, planted flowers and made bird feeders. We had a lot of fun! I also mowed (mine & my neighbors) lawn and grilled out dinner. I have been VERY sore since. Since I have stopped taking pain killers I have been relying on ES Tylenol and Ben Gay for the aches and pains. I have noticed that since I stopped the pain medicine I have been going through what I can only assume are 'withdrawls.' I have been incredibly restless, whole body restlessness, for a few days now. And a little insomnia; It is quite irritating to say the least.

Here are some pictures I took today to show my 4 week tummy tuck progress:

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