188 pounds

Down 100 pounds!!!! A HUGE MILESTONE!!!
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6 Month Surgiversary, Down 100 Pounds, 13 To Go (I guess)

Since Gastric Bypass Surgery: 06/09/2008:

4 Kudos

Cool dude!!! That's great!
Posted by
Jenn on Tuesday, December 09, 2008 - 8:49 PM

that is so good. I can't believe it has aready been 6months... seems like just a month ago you were going in.. i wish my dad had that luck with the band... he needs the bypass.. so do I but do not qualify for it...keep up the good work..
Posted by
*theresa* on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 12:25 AM

You are doing awesome as well!! Keep up the great work chica!
Posted by ~♥Leelee♥~ on Friday, December 12, 2008 - 8:44 AM

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ONEDERLAND!!! and Gallbladder Surgery

I had a gallbladder attack 11/05/08. I went to the ER and was told that my gallbladder was "full of sludge and stones" and needs to come out. I scheduled my surgery for today.

I woke up this morning and to my AMAZEMENT.... I hit ONE-DERLAND!!!!
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203 pounds

Down 85 pounds
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I Dressed Up For Halloween!!


What do you think?...

{I think I look like a drag queen! LOL BUT I did have the courage to do it, that's what matters ;) }

I was pretty sad, though. I started drinking with everyone and realized "DUH!" I can't drink! I was in a lonely place there for a while- watching everyone have some drinks, chill out and have fun. I still had fun, but I do miss drinking :(

{I still played beer pong... but my poor partner had to drink all my beer for me. Talk about taking one for the team!}
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Comparisons (Day before and 4 months out)

I'm in SHOCK!

{Sooooo happy!}
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Just over 4 months out...

{It's getting to be kinda fun to shop for clothes now! And I'm taking risks! Buying clothes I would have never bought before!!}

{I'm REALLY starting to notice a difference now!}

{A picture is worth a thousand words... I am sooo much happier than I was!!}
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208 Pounds

Down 80 pounds
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220 pounds

Down 68 pounds
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"WOW" Moments

Current mood: accomplished

Lately I have reached a couple goals. I have now lost a "Christina"! HAHA! She currently weighs 53 pounds and I have lost that much. Until today; I've lost 56 pounds. Now I have lost half of the weight I need to lose!

Things are going pretty good with the weight loss and people are really starting to comment. It is really hard to get used to all the different attention, but I'm not complaining! LOL
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235 pounds

Down 53 pounds
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Nearly 2 months out... starting to notice a difference

{I cut my hair! Really short! I feel so refreshed!
I donated 10" to Locks of Love}
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"WOW" Moments

Current mood: ecstatic!

I just went clothes shopping for the first time since surgery because I could no longer keep up with pulling up my pants as I walked. I can only imagine how sloppy I was looking.

I went down 2 pants sizes and a bra size and cup size!
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251 pounds

Down 37 pounds
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WOW Moment - Clothes Shopping/Size Changes

Current mood: ecstatic!

My 2nd WOW Moment!

I just went clothes shopping for the first time since surgery because I could no longer keep up with pulling up my pants as I walked. I can only imagine how sloppy I was looking

I went down 2 pants sizes and a bra size and cup size!
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4 weeks out from WLS surgery

Current mood: reflective

Well at this time 4 weeks ago I was heading to the hospital for my life-changing weight loss surgery. Since then it has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Emotionally I am constantly changing, physically too. I am down 36 pounds in 28 days... not too bad. I really didn't know what to expect as far as weight loss, nor my health conditions. I am off all of my prior medications, too. I only take a few units of insulin if my sugar is over 150- it rarely ever is. It is very hard to get used to eating small meals several times a day, not drinking while I eat and the diet restrictions.
At this point I am able to eat pretty much anything that is soft. I am not yet allowed raw fruits or vegetables and will not be able to do so for several more weeks.
I have had a few bouts of being sick because of the surgery. I have been pushing the envelope and tried too much sugar free icecream and got sick once while grocery shopping. I had too much fat in my food at Fazolis in Lansing recently and I got some stuck ham here at home the other day and had to vomit to get it up, and I got sick eating some sausage that I know I shouldn't have eaten- I never actually got sick but sure didn't feel well for a while. It is all really scary during the sickness but when it passes I feel SO much better.
I have an appointment with my surgeon on Thursday. I am hoping that he will be able to figure out what this golfball-sized lump is under my incision- a seroma, scar tissue, or whatnot.
I have really lacked energy to do much. I have, however, been to the Detroit Zoo, Potter Park Zoo in Lansing and Greenfield Village. Those are pretty much the extent of my exercise. I have made a goal to get on the Wii Fit at least every other day and ride my bike on the alternate days. Things are getting easier mentally- I do not pout anymore when I am around people that eat normally. I think it helps that Doug is eating really well. He is also down around 25 pounds!!! I am so proud of him!
This blog has turned into a lot of random rambling... I hope I convey my points LOL.
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Current mood: worried/scared

I just called the surgeons office this morning after finding a golf ball sized mass under my biggest incision from RNY gastric bypass. I was worried that it was some oddly-placed hernia but the nurse I spoke with more or less assured me that it was likely a "seroma". I have an appointment with my surgeon on the 10th (in one week). I asked if this issue would be okay until then or if I would have to try to get in sooner. She said that more than likely it would be okay to wait but she will discuss all of this with the surgeon and call me back...
Doesn't help that I have MTHFR to worry about... worried that this might have ties to that blood clotting disorder...
Waiting patiently...

Update: 07/03/2008, 2:22 PM:
I just got a call from the nurse at the surgeon's office. She let me know that she spoke with my surgeon and he is okay with waiting to see me until my appointment next week. He thinks that it is either the seroma or simply scar tissue that has built up. Time will tell...
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WLS Info: Papaya Enzyme

Current mood: curious

I've seen this a couple times- papaya enzyme- what do you use it for?
For things like this, is it something you were recommended to take from doctors/dieticians or is it something you just started on your own?

"I have used it when food (meat/protein) is stuck. It works by increasing and loosening your mucus secretions and also breaking down if food is stuck, it will help it slide through faster in theory. It hasn't done much to help me, but I still keep it on hand. I heard about it here on OH, and have asked my RD/NUT about it, and she said that some people have said it is helpful. It's not something I take as a regular daily supplement."

"Nope, I started taking it on my's a natural protein eater....if you have food "stuck".. that horrible stuck feeling from eating a big piece of meat or you ate too fast and food has blocked up into your "throat feeling". Eat some papaya enzyme.. and it will tenderize the protein.. It ONLY works with protein.. not fruit or veggies. An emergency remedy is also meat mix 2 tblspns of meat tenderizer in a VERY warm glass of water and chug it down. The meat tenderizer tastes GROSS!! It will probably make you vomit before it actually gets a chance to work on the offending protein.. but if you are in desperate need of moving that protein because of such mind the outcome.Papaya enzyme taste a hell of a lot better.. it comes in it's natural "fruity" flavor or you can get it in mint flavor and it works in about 15 mins - 30 mins....I swear by it!!"

"XXX introduced me to it and OMG I'm so thankful to her for it!!
Earlier I had my breakfast stuck and remembered I keep a small container of it in my desk drawer and OMG I feel great now it works FABULOUSLY!!"

"I was able to find mind at Trader Joe's. I would imagine it would be easy to find at GNC, a health food store, Vitamin Shoppe, etc."

"Actually you can find it at Wal-mart the health food section or the pharmacy diet aids. .and some of the Walgreens and local grocery stores...check both sections.. some have it one place and not the comes in a bottle like vitamins or you can get a roll of it, like tums or rolaids. I have a bottle for home and roll of it in my purse..."
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So far, so good...

Current mood: optimistic

So it's been two weeks since my surgery and things are going great.
Up until yesterday I had been losing 1-3 pounds a day religiously. I started my monthly cycle and that could very well be the reason the scales stopped yesterday. Yesterday and today the scales didn't move one way or the other. I presume I am retaining water and everything will get back on track within the week. What an awesome feeling it was to get on there everyday and see it going further and further down, instead of up! I have lost 26 pounds in 15 days and I have 87 more to get to MY goal and 100 more to get to my SURGEONS VERY OPTIMISTIC (quite possibly unattainable- since I am so tall) goal.
Up until yesterday I could only eat "full and clear liquids" which consisted of things like:
Protein drinks
Tomato juice
Sugarfree drinks
Sugarfree popsicles
Decaff Coffee
Carnation Instant Breakfast
Cottage cheese
Mashed potatoes
Strained soups

Now I am finally able to add some:
Pureed soups, vegetables, meats, refried beans, applesauce, really ripe bananas, canned fruit.

After this week I will be able to add more cheeses, meats, deli meats, and such.
Lately my meals look like:
Breakfast: 1/2 packet oatmeal
Snack: 6 oz V8
Lunch: 4 pineapple chunks or 2 oz. applesauce, mashed potatoes or refried beans
Snack: 6 oz milk, sometimes a slight amount of peanut butter
Dinner: few bites of chicken chewed and chewed and chewed, a pinch of shredded cheese
Snack: sf popsicle

I never knew I could survive on so little LOL
The pain is getting so much better and I am able to do so much more. Each day I try to get in some sort of activity whether it be cleaning house, walking or riding the bike. Soon enough I will be able to get on the Wii on a regular basis.
Emotions are my biggest problem right now. I am always surrounded by people who can eat 'normally' and I never will again. I no longer get ANY satistaction from food. Food is now simply fuel for me. I doesn't even taste good, but I know I cannot live without it so I do what I have to do.I have been having a lot of feelings of 'did I do the right thing?' and 'I hope skinny and healthy is worth it'. It's very heartwrenching to have your best friend taken away and replaced with crap. I have FAR more issues with food than I thought and should have focused more on this prior to surgery. Perhaps my mind would wrap around this new lifestyle. I still believe that I needed the surgery. There will be a day that I will be completely content with this whole concept; today, is however- not the day. It's too soon, the umpteen million changes are just too fresh.

My advice to people interested in the surgery is please! research! learn about you and figure out your ties to food, first. There are serveral surgeries, too. Not just the gastric bypass and the lap band. Find the one right for you. There are many caring, lovely people on for ANY question under the sun.

I am no longer on my LONG list of medications for
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Acid Reflux (heartburn)
Well... I am on a sliding scale insulin for my diabetes. If my sugar is ever over 150 I have to give myself a few units according to how high it is. I have only had to give myself a few shots since I left the hospital. I am hoping and both my surgeon and family doctors think that I will be off insulin and be considered non-diabetic in no time!

OH!!! And more good news! Doug is down over 17 pounds too!!!
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Current mood: Smokin' hot!

In the WLS (weight loss surgery) world... they call these sorts of events- WOW MOMENTS!

Tonight was good.I ventured to Trader Joe's for the first time tonight. It was an excellent shopping experience; however overwhelming like I thought it would be. There are just so many foods that I am not familar with. I picked up lots of new things to try, I cannot wait.


As I was checking out the cashier was terribly friendly. I had already told him that it was my first time being there and didn't really understand how the checkout counter worked (since it was so small and such). He started scanning my stuff and I didn't know what else to do so I bagged it all. I bought a ton and it was taking forever. During this process the questions started flying "did you find everything you were looking for?" "What did you do today?" "What are you up to tonight?" Among question after question... It was then that I looked up at him and caught his young, puppy face smiling at me in a way that I have not seen someone look at me in a long time. His smile quickly turned upside down when I replied with the only thing I could think: "hanging out with my daughter and husband". LOL I froze, I didn't know what to say other than what poured outta my mouth. I caught him glimpse at my hand at that very moment to see that I did, indeed, have a ring. He was young, and attractive and obviously found me attractive. It's been a VERY long time since I felt that way. I actually walked out of the store literally trembling, with a cheesy grin on my face taboot. I walked to my car and loaded it feeling like I was going on a date again, butterflies and everything. Weird. LOLIt's simply amazing what one precious person can do to change your entire mood.
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Less than 2 weeks out...

{don't mind my akward face; I have Bell's Palsy}
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WLS: Drinking while Eating

Current mood: inquizative

curious... is the only reason they tell you not to drink while eating because it will push the food through and you will no longer feel full? Or is there a medical reason that it will do some harm? I am in the early stages and I never feel hungry nor full, I just eat because I know I have to. So I'm thinking drinking while eating isn't going to hurt, at this point anyway??

“Yes, that's the primary reason they tell you not to drink while eating. I've also heard that the water can kind of mush the food down in your stomach (pouch) so you can eat more than you would without the water. It's great that you're not experiencing the hunger feelings right now, but you're early out, and chances are those sensations will return within a few weeks or months. You've heard this surgery referred to as a tool, and that's how you have to remember it. A lot of the old feelings are going to come back. I'm 8 months out and I get ravenously hungry sometimes. In time, you will be able to eat more food. These early days are your opportunity to create the new habits that will help you maintain your weight loss long-term. Drinking water with your meal may not hurt you now, but it will be a big problem later on. There's a reason "drinking with meals" is tops on the list of reasons why people have re-gain problems. It's just not worth it...use this time to re-train your brain and your body, you'll thank yourself for it!”

“Don't set yourself up for disaster; just get in the habit now. Is there any reason why you want to drink with your meals? My thought is that the reason probably isn’t going to go away once you "feel full". Why not just break the habit now?”

“I didn’t get all my fluids in the first two weeks, that’s for sure. It gets better and better every day and, per my NUT, that’s ok as long as i try my best. You may want to call your NUT and see what they think. I know some people that don’t drink for 15 mins before and 30 mins after. there would be an extra 15 mins every meal if your NUT would approve that. I'd call them, tell them the problem, tell they how much you ARE getting in, and see what they say.”

“only other thing that i have not seen mentioned... it can cause dumping and who the hell needs that”

“Drinking while eating is the BEST way to REGAIN later. Yes, drinking while you are eating will push the food through and you won't feel full as long. But while you are pushing that food through the stoma you are slowly but surely stretching that stoma out and, over time - like a year or so out when you do feel hunger and you can eat more food, you will be so sorry you drank while you ate. If you keep your stoma small, then you will have that restriction 10 years from now - and you are going to need it. Drinking while I eat - and not drinking AT LEAST a 1/2 hour after eating (usually an hour) is the one rule I never, ever break. The reason you don't feel full now is because your nerve endings are still healing from surgery. Give it about a month and you will be get that feeling.”

“I haven't read the rest of the replies yet, so many someone already addressed this. There are TWO reasons why we don't drink and eat at the same time:1. The reason you stated.... food washes through the pouch faster with water and will leave you hungry sooner. It will also wash the food through AS you’re eating, so you'll be able to consume more food in one sitting than you should be able to. The whole point of having a small pouch is to only allow us to eat a very small amount of food. Don't defeat the purpose of your surgery by working around this aspect.2. With food you will be FORCING food out of your pouch and into your intestine before it has had a chance to begin any digestion in the stomach. Although digestion is greatly reduced in the pouch, there is still some of this happening. Your food mixes with the digestive enzymes in your saliva and begins to get broken down in your pouch. The food needs to stay in the pouch until it's ready to be pushed into the intestine. By drinking with your meals you are forcing that food to be pushed out before it's ready. Repeatedly doing this will cause the food to stretch your Stoma (the opening between your pouch and intestine). A stretched Stoma is much worse than a stretched pouch. If you stretch your stomach to the same size as your pouch, then you essentially no longer have a pouch --- you just have a 20-foot long stomach (your intestine) that you can pack as much food into as you want. Your need to protect that Stoma and be very careful not to damage it.Do some research on the Pyloric Valve. We no longer have that after surgery, so we need to manually do the work it used to do automatically.Sometimes knowing WHY we have rules makes it easier to follow the rules we're given.”“For me the drinking/eating thing wasn't such a hard habit to break...but it does get tricky for me with the timing. In the mornings for instance. There are two things I need to accomplish before I leave for work...take my vitamins (cuz if not I’ll forget) and eat breakfast. Well I had to coordinate that a little. I take my vitamins as soon as i get out of the bed and drink a full glass of water. About 45 minutes later the water has passed through and I can proceed with breakfast. It helped me to get on a food/water schedule. That may help you as well. Sometimes, though, if I eat something too salty (happened a couple of times) I feel like I need something to take that taste away. I eat a grape. It's got the liquid in it, gets rid of the taste, and doesn't put a significant amount of fluid in my pouch. Just my two cents.”“I am about 10 weeks out and still have a hard time with protein. When I drink to soon after eating, the fluid just sits on top of the food and I puke it out (sorry for the visual). It doesn’t flush my food, just chest pain, so I don’t do it. It was a very hard habit for me to kick. Actually I just found that at 8 weeks everything got easier for me... I can drink a lot more, and faster, and I can eat a lot better. This is the hardest thing I have ever done! GREAT job on your weight loss thus far. Now I only wait about 30 min after I eat to drink, but find even that hard in this hot weather. Good luck, and keep posting all your questions... no question is a stupid question, and that’s what boards are for. We all know to call our docs, but sometime we need to talk to others who have been thru it.. For reassurance and guidance!!! I know I do!!”“I personally believe drinking with my meals was one of the MAIN reasons I got SMO in the first place. Run to Taco Bell - have 3 of those monstrous cups worth of Diet Pepsi. Washed all those tacos and bean burritos away only to replace it a couple hours later because I was starving. Post-op it's no different except for the fact you can really undo a lot of what you signed up for when you got a restrictive procedure. Drinking with meals is bad news and I will NEVER do it again. And that is something I can say with absolute conviction because I think it's seriously bad news to anyone considering it. You're sooooo new out. Please be kind to yourself. Do what you can. I took water with my everywhere. To the bathroom, to the store, everywhere. Go invest in some water bottles and bring them with you no matter what. In the beginning you have to be that focused to get your water when you can. Relearning everything isn't easy but it can be done.”
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WLS: Dumping Questions

Current mood: inquizative

I know everyone is different but I would like to know:
-What was the first thing you dumped on?
-How far out from surgery were you?
-How did you feel? How long did it last?
-Do you realize why you dumped? (too much of something?)
-Did you eat it again? Did it happen again?
-What are the things that trigger dumping for you?

“3 months out a mudslide drink from Applebee's. Had about 1/4th of the drink, could not eat my dinner and I was sick the rest of the night.”

“1. Peanut butter.
2. I'm guessing about five months out.
3. My stomach hurt like a bitch for about half an hour.
4. Yes.
5. I have not had peanut butter since.
6. Combination of fat and carbs. Sugar doesn't always do it.”

“The first (and last) thing I dumped on was fruit salad (watermelon, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries)I was 3 months outI felt clammy and as though something was stuck. I had the "foamies" and it lasted about an hourI think I dumped because I ate it way too fastI've since had fruit (many times) and it never happened againThat was the one and only time I have dumped (knock on wood?"

“Bananas. I will be 8 months out on the 29th of this month. And still dump on them. Forgot to add. I was 3 weeks out. Felt like I was gonna die. Tried bananas again a week later, same thing, happened, sweets, heart racing, throwing up, head ache. I f I smell bananas today I start dry heaving (sp).”

“I've never dumped per se, but I have had what's considered the "foamies." Where you eat something too quickly and too much of it gets caught up at the stoma and it won't go it comes back up! A really really good reason you might dump would be if you were drinking while you were eating something. They tell us not to drink anything 30 mins before we eat and then another 30 after we eat so our system has time to empty out and be able to receive the food and empty it out and then receive the liquids. Flushing is a common cause of dumping because the fluids cause the food in your pouch to flush into your small intestine where it is basically just rushed through the system and that's why you can sometimes feel very ill afterwards.”

“First thing I dumped on....pineapple chunks. I was about 4-5 months post op. How did I feel? dizzy, nauseas, rapid heart beat...just felt ~ not right...had to take a nap yep, I knew why I was dumping...I had read about it but didn't think natural sugars would do that..boy, was I wrong!!Did I eat it again...yep, but not as much. I can get away with 3 pineapple chunks and be OK..anymore and I'm hurt'n. triggers for dumping....more than 3 gummie bears....more than 1/2 a reece's pntbutter cup...really, anything over 7 grams of sugar (I've tested my limits)...whether the sugar is natural like in fruits or atrificial, like in candy or sugar alcohols in sugar free's about the same ~ nothing over 7 grams of sugar.I'm a sugar crack whore...I need to be spanked when I try to get "my fix".....I'm thankful for my dumping!!”

“-Marble Slab Ice Cream-Three months-My stomach hurt and I had dry heaves forever (nothing would come up). Very nauseated. Had to go to bed.-Too much sugar....waaaay too much-Will I eat it again...No Way! I knew better and did it anyhow.-That is the only time I have dumped. I don't even test the waters to see how much sugar I can take before dumping.”

“-What was the first thing you dumped on? The only time I've had a problem was with a combination of baked beans & BBQ sauce. -How far out from surgery were you? About 5 months.-How did you feel? How long did it last? I got very hot, flushed & sleepy. Once I was able to get to sleep, I woke up 1/2 an hour later feeling fine.-Do you realize why you dumped? (too much of something?) I made the mistake of not measuring & must have eaten too much.-Did you eat it again? Did it happen again? Haven't tried it again.-What are the things that trigger dumping for you? I try really hard to avoid anything that might make me dump. At first I was pretty sure I wasn't a dumper and was scared to find out that I wasn't for sure. I know I do dump now, even if just mildly so that keeps me in check.”

“First thing I dumped on--Soy chocolate milkHow far out--three weeks post opHow did I feel--150 degree dog s*it! my boss literally caught me in the hallway and ask if i was drunk it lasted 4 hoursWhy I dumped--G*d only knows sometimes I dump sometimes I don't I'm like a Mounds or Almond Joy--sometimes I dump sometimes I don'tHave I had the dumping food since--yep, haven't dumped on it but then i only recently tried it again so far so good--no dumpTriggers for dumping--G*d only knows like I said sometimes I do sometimes I don't --I've dumped on a banana as well as a small bite of cheesecake, I've also dumped on salad dressing but didn't on fresh made ranch dressing--we are all different”

“I was about 2 months out and dumped on watermelon... puked first then 15 min later got stabbing pains in my belly, felt like it was contracting, thought i was gonna die. I have not had it since, but have had grapes and pineapple and have done fine”“-What was the first thing you dumped on? one bite of sausage-How far out from surgery were you? 2 months-How did you feel? terrible, heart racing, sweaty, thought I was going to pass out, needed to sleep How long did it last? an hour, I went and slept if off-Do you realize why you dumped? (too much of something?) Too much fat-Did you eat it again? nope haven't touched sausage again Did it happen again? Dumped one other time on refried beans at Knott's Berry Farm - found out they added lard to it, so again too much fat-What are the things that trigger dumping for you? Only been fats so far, I haven't pushed the limits with sugars to find out.Dump once and you never want to dump again!”

“-What was the first thing you dumped on? 40% apple juice (left over from clear liquid stage), 60% water mixture-How far out from surgery were you? 10 days?-How did you feel? How long did it last? At first flushing, then "bad trip" feeling, then headache and bad car sickness. I went to a open window and let the cool breeze blow on my only lasted about a minute. While it was happening, I was praying it wouldn't last long, because it was horrible. I'm glad I dumped early out, because now that I know how unpleasant it is, I'll avoid sugar like all get out.-Do you realize why you dumped? (too much of something?) Yes, though it was watered down, it was too much volume, too fast. I'm able to drink pretty fast (so far), which in this case, was a curse.-Did you eat it again? Did it happen again? I'd not have it again, I will do anything to avoid that feeling.”
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Recouperating from my gastric bypass surgery

Current mood: contemplative

It's surreal to say the least that I actually went through with it and I am now a proud member of the losers bench. I had the surgery to have a long life and see my child grow, get married and see her child(ren). I have already noticed a difference in my diabetes, I have not had heartburn since the morning of surgery, by blood pressure was under control in the hospital and I assume if I check it now the same would be. My life is changing, for the good this time. It looks as though I will stay off my medicines, hopefully for good. I have been in a great deal of pain. I get asked a lot if it's as bad as I thought it would be but I honestly do not have an answer. I literally tried not to think about the details much pre-op as I did not want to talk myself out of doing something I feel I need to do. Eating is getting better as I have now moved onto "full-liquids"- I like the variety; chicken broth was getting OLD. I have two weeks of this, then one week of baby food consistency food, then I start my soft foods. I cannot wait to have some chicken. The protein shakes that I have to drink are putrid, it is VERY hard to get my protein in right now. Hopefully as I am able to add more foods it will be easier.

Getting used to eating and drinking 'the new way' is a lil difficult. Sipping all day is something I'll just have to get used to.

My incisions (6) hurt a lot, it feels as though I have been in a bar fight where they took all their anger out on my belly. The liquid Vicodin is disgusting and is a lil hard to get down the hatch. It does its job though, so I can't complain.

I am full of gas but I am still down over 5 pounds since the morning of surgery... not too bad.

I am tired a lot but I am sure that will get better real soon. I was actually able to sleep for almost 7 hours last night. That's definetely better than the 3-4 hours I have been getting lately.

So in all... do I regret it? No. Not yet anyway lol. And I don't see myself going there. It's hard, but I know it will be well worth it. Even if I never make it to goal, just to get rid of the diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heartburn, etc... is good enough for me.
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My Re-birthday 06/09/08

Current mood: relieved

I left the house around 7:20am to be at the hospital by 8am. With the traffic on the freeway we got here with two minutes to spare. After spending over a 1/2 hour waiting to register I finally did and was sent up to the 3rd floor surgical waiting lounge. Things took off quite fast from here. Once we got upstairs I had time to talk to Doug and the financial counselor (who's husband was having surgery before me by my surgeon) and change Addison and before I knew it I was called to go to a room to be worked up.
I got into the room and changed into a gown, gave a urine sample, had blood drawn, answered questions and then Doug and Addison were able to come sit with me for a while. After about 1/2 hour we were taken back to pre-surgical holding. Where I was connected to all the heart monitors, oxygen pulse ox, answered a ton more questions, met a bunch of doctors and nurses. I played with Addy and cuddled with Doug for over an hour and then I was given my sedative and wheeled to the operating room. The next thing I knew I woke up very groggy in the recovery room. I could hardly keep my eyes open and it was very hard to concentrate. After a while I started coming around and could understand what people were saying to me. I found out that I was in surgery for 2 hours and 20 minutes and that everything went perfect. I stayed in recovery for over and hour and was taken upstairs to my room around 3pm. Doug and Addison were awaiting me, as well as the clinics dieticians and nurses.
The surgeon placed a pain pump that I could self-administer every 6 minutes- but I have not needed it (knock on wood) in several hours now. My pain level is between 0-1 and that is only because I feel pressure in my stomach- which I assume is just gas. I hope the rest of my recovery is this easy.I walked after about an hour of being in my room- so maybe within 3 hours or so from surgery and walked 5 more times since then; I am now able to walk unassisted. I have been told by so many staff members what a good patient I am- which comes as quite a surprise thinking about what a pain in the butt I have been recently. lolI was told that I will probably go home tomorrow afternoon since I am making such good strides. I am now sitting upright in a chair on the laptop… thank God for the Internet! lol I really appreciate everyone's kind words and prayers today.Thanks!!!
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Surgery yesterday, home today

Current mood: drained

I had my surgery yesterday and all went perfectly smooth. I am now home at less than 24 hours post-op and I am feeling great with the exception of trying to find a comfortable position to sit/lie and trying to down some protein drinks- since I cannot have milk until Thursday night. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers.
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Day before surgery pictures

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Pre-Op Testing and Diet

My pre-op testing.
Yesterday I went for my gastric bypass surgery pre-op testing.
I was told that it would be from 9:30a-5p, it ended up only going until 2:30p.
I was weighed, had blood drawn, urine, blood pressure, temperature taken and then I met with a nurse and we went over my health history and present conditions.
I then met with a dietician and went over all the food restrictions and such.
These things took 3 hours.
I then went over to the hospital to answer even more questions and met with an anesthesiologist who walked me through the process and answered my questions.
After that I had an EKG and a chest x-ray.
These things took one and ½ hours.
It was a long day but I now feel truly prepared for my life-altering surgery. I am scared, anxious, excited, happy, etc, etc, etc. There are a million terms to cover the emotions that I am going through right now. And I am sure there will be those and a million more after the procedure and adjusting to my new life.
I am eager to hopefully get rid of my co-morbidities, mostly my diabetes. I am excited to lose weight and look good. I am mostly eager to learn a new way of living; eating to live, rather than living to eat.
The following is my diet plan (every surgeon is different and will request different diets pre and post op):
Friday, June 6th and Saturday, June 7th: full pre-op liquid:
* 4 protein drinks/day
* 6 servings from the following food choices:
- 1 cup tomato or V8 juice
- ½ c. hot cereal
- 1 c. sugar free (sf) pudding
- 6 oz low sugar yogurt
- ½ c. unsweetened applesauce
* drink water or sugar-free beverages as needed throughout the day
Sunday, June 8th: clear liquid:
* ice chips, water
* sugar free (sf) liquids such as sf Kool-Aid, sf Crystal Light, sf popsicles, sf lemonade
* low sugar, non carbonated flavored waters such as Propel
* sf Jello
* decaf coffee
* broths (chicken, beef, vegetable)
* protein power mixed with water or sf beverage or clear liquid protein drinks such as Isopure or Nectar
Monday, June 9th (day of surgery), Tuesday, June 10th, Wednesday, June 11th: clear liquid:
* ice chips, water
* sugar free (sf) liquids such as sf Kool-Aid, sf Crystal Light, sf popsicles, sf lemonade
* low sugar, non carbonated flavored waters such as Propel
* sf Jello
* decaf coffee
* broths (chicken, beef, vegetable)
* protein power mixed with water or sf beverage or clear liquid protein drinks such as Isopure or Nectar
Thursday, June 12th-Sunday, June 22nd: full post-op liquid:
* protein drinks
* low fat (1%, ½ %) or skim milk
* tomato or V8 juice
* no added sugar Carnation Instant Breakfast
* cream of wheat, cream of rice, or oatmeal (cooked well, made thin and soupy)
* instant mashed potatoes (made smooth and thinned with milk)
* light yogurt (sweetened with artificial sweetener) (no fruit pieces)
* low fat cottage cheese (mashed with fork until very smooth)
* low fat strained soups prepared with low fat or skim milk (ex. HR cream of mushroom, chicken and Healthy Choice brands)
Monday, June 23-Sunday, June 29th: pureed diet (baby food consistency):
3-4 ounces per meal over a 30 minute time period (6 meals per day)
60-80 grams of protein per day
64 ounces fluid per day
wait 30-40 minutes before and after each meal before consuming liquids
Be sure to consume protein foods first, at the beginning of each meal
Chew very well, 35 times per bite, wait 1-2 minutes between bites
Choices of pureed:
* soups
- turkey
- chicken
- vegetable
- bean
(no beef, rice or noodles)
* vegetables
- green beans
- carrots
- peas
- yams (fresh not canned in syrup)
- squash (no seeds)
- zucchini (no seeds)
* meats
- chicken, turkey (canned in water)
- eggs/egg substitute
- fat free refried beans
- beans
- tofu
- hummus
* fruits
- ripe mashed bananas
- unsweetened applesauce
- fruit canned in water or it’s own juice (drain, rinse and puree)
Monday, June 23rd- Sunday, June 29th: Soft Diet:
All foods on liquid, full liquid and pureed, plus:
* meats
- string cheese, low fat cheese
- chicken, turkey (skinless), pork including ground turkey, chicken
- beans (soaked, rinsed and cooked thoroughly)
- fish, tuna, seafood such as crabmeat, lobster (no fried foods)
- low fat deli meats (chicken, turkey, ham), no beef, honey, maple or brown sugar cured
* fruits
- canned fruit (in water or its own juice, drained)
- ripe banana
- 100% unsweetened fruit juice diluted in 50% water (no more than 4 oz daily)
* vegetables
- peppers
- spinach
- asparagus
- onions
- greens
- brussel sprouts
- mushrooms
- turnips
- cabbage
- broccoli
- scallions
- bean sprouts
* condiments
- lemon
- low fat sour cream
- mustard
- salsa
- soy sauce
- low fat mayo
- vinegar
- spray margarine
- low fat/low sugar marinades
- lime
- low fat margarine or butter
(avoid ketchup or BBQ sauce due to high sugar content)
(no sooner than) Monday, August 4th: grain introduction
- whole wheat bread
- soft, cooked whole grain pasta
- low fat or fat free crackers, try whole grain
- low sugar, high fiber, ready to eat cereal

* two multivitamins plus iron every day
(for the first 12 weeks- chewable or liquid)
* 1,500 mg calcium citrate every day

* meats- 6 months
* raw fruits and vegetables- 12 weeks
* juice- 4 weeks
* grain products- 8 weeks
* rice- 12 weeks
* nuts, corn, popcorn- 6 months
* caffeine- 6 months

No carbonation, low amounts of sugar to reduce chances of dumping syndrome, do not drink from a straw, do not chew gum.
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Just My Luck!!

Current mood: pissed off!

Of all the 365 days in a year- he picks mine!

I was really looking forward to having my bariatric gastric bypass surgery on my deceased mother's birthday- June 4th.

I was informed a couple weeks ago that the surgeon has a chance to go to a seminar in Wisconsin and might be gone on that day.

I called in today to check up with my bariatric counselor and was informed that he is, indeed, attending the conference and will not be able to do my surgery on June 4th!

I am so, so, so freakin’ upset! It meant more to me than anyone could ever understand to do it on that day!

I even started my Chantix to stop smoking by May 4th, to be smoke free for a month for the surgery… and beyond of course.

I guess I’ll be having surgery the week of June 9th now.


katyvan Apr. 28, 2008 at 9:54 AM: I'm so sorry Mary this has happend to you. Keep your chin up, and keep that up with the chantix, it takes a while to become smoke free. Good luck. You can do this!!!!

HalfaMillers Apr. 28, 2008 at 11:04 AM: Mary, Hang in there. I'm sorry that this did not work out like you had planned, but maybe you are meant to celebrate your mom's birthday another way. My mom passed in "06 and I know how important certain dates can be. Also, the surgery is a very big deal...good luck with it. My brother had it done several years ago. I know how much of a difference it can make in your life. Keep with the chantix and your quest to stop smoking -- this is also a good thing you are doing.

RoRo_517 Apr. 28, 2008 at 11:44 AM: Mary, Sorry to hear that the doctor messed up your plans. Hang in there you are a strong person. Maybe this is a sign from god that it just wasn't meant to be done on that day. Keep your chin up! You will get threw this.

emmybeansmommy Apr. 28, 2008 at 11:54 AM: I'm so sorry Mary. I know how much this meant to you and how excited you were. I agree with the other mommy who wrote "maybe you are meant to celebrate your mom's birthday another way". Maybe post a topic in our group to get ideas. We can all brain storm and think of something really special! I Love You Girl! *Mwah*

tjgirl Apr. 29, 2008 at 8:42 AM: Awww so sorry to hear this Mary! I know this meant a lot to you!! Either way, you are getting healthier and your mom knows this:) Hang in there mama!! Love ya!!
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(VIDEOS) My Upcoming Surgery!

Current mood: excited

Another great reason to have surgery!

How it works VIDEO
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