
This article pretty much describes my condition. The doctor will be doing an open incision rather than lapropscopic, to go in and see what the exact problem is. Once inside he will determine what part of me needs fixing and do what he can to fix the issue. It could be the unused portion of the stomach, intestines and bowels or it could be the good stuff; he will not know until he is in there.

He said that he will "untwist what's twisted and suture it in place so that it cannot become twisted again". Sounds simple enough...

I cannot wait to be able to eat again. Since Wednesday I have not been able to hold anything down. I would eat and within an hour I would have this gut-wrenching pain followed by extereme vomiting. This would go on until my stomach was completely empty, actually longer - I would be throwing up stomach contents, acid and such. It was absolutely miserable.

The surgery is supposed to start around 2 and could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours. I will more than likely have a lot of scar tissue on my abdomen from the gastric bypass and the gallbladder removal surgeries; so it is expected it will take at least an hour and 1/2.
I have never really been one to fear surgery... but this time is different. I feel so out of control that it had to happen when I was pregnant and now I will be taking 'him' into surgery with me.

God, please be with us.

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Plastic Surgery

I am looking into plastic surgery following my drastic weight loss.
Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)
I spoke with my surgeons office and insurance company today and was told:
"It is a covered Blue Cross Blue Shield Benefit; that most gastric bypass patients have no problem getting insurance to cover it"
Insurance Guidelines:
1) has to be reconstructive in nature and not cosmetic. CHECK!
2) I have to have a documented weight loss of at least 100 pounds. CHECK!
3) I have to have uncontrolled
intertrigo (use of topical agents, alcerations) and/or lower back pain. CHECK!
4) at least 6 months have passed/weight has stabalized. UHH? - close?
5) $500.00 deductable per person. CHECK!
6) 20% copay
I need to find out the procedure code and the diagnosis code.

My appointment for my gastric bypass, gallbladder removal and who will hopefully do this upcoming surgery is:
Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 1:45pm. I will speak with him then to get the ball rolling.
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WOW Moment Wednesday - Me? In a dress!? I can't believe I did that! LOL


I haven't worn a dress since my dads funeral when I was 10... even then it was a skirt.

Shocking what losing 154 pounds will do =)
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Ticker... Just over 9 months out...

My BMI used to say:44.1
Your BMI score indicates that you are morbidly obese and have an extremely high level of health risk.

It now says:24.0
Your BMI score indicates that you are of normal weight and have a minimal level of health risk.

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Ticker Chart... Just over 9 months out...

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Pounds Lost

Week 1: 13
Week 2: 13
Week 3: 4
Week 4: 5

Week 5: 6
Week 6: 1
Week 7: 6
Week 8: 1

Week 9: 3
Week 10: 7
Week 11: 5
Week 12: 0

Week 13: 4
Week 14: 3
Week 15: 2
Week 16: 1

Week 17: 4
Week 18: 1
Week 19: 1
Week 20: 1

Week 21: 2
Week 22: 0
Week 23: 6
Week 24: 0

Week 25: 4
Week 26: 3
Week 27: 2
Week 28: 0

Week 29: 0
Week 30: 1
Week 31: 0
Week 32: 1

Week 33: 1
Week 34: 1
Week 35: 2
Week 36: 5

Week 37: 0
Week 38: 0
Week 39: 0
Week 40: 0
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Positive Proof Gastric Bypass Surgery Works Wonders!!!

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177 pounds

Down 111 pounds
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Weight Loss Journey Bucket List: Last Updated: 03.01.09

Started: June 9, 2008.
Last updated: March 1, 2009

There was a point in my life that I was convincingly happy; I showed on the outside that I was content; but inside, inside a demon was screaming bloody murder!!!

I always told myself that I would not let my weight hold me back from anything.

I said that I would not let my size ever interfere with the things that I truly want to do… but to be brutally honest and forthcoming with that honestly… I have… so much!!!

I am going to start a list of the things that I know damn well my weight has held me back from doing. Mind you- these are in no particular order, just the order they appear in my head.

These are now goals that I would like to achieve during my weight loss journey:

1) Jump on a trampoline without fearing- 1: everyone laughing at me and/or 2: that the thing is going to collapse:
2) Dance on a bar top, or at least feel like I could without ridicule:
3) Sit down and not worry about if the chair will break: achieved 10/2008
4) Tie my shoes without physical exhaustion: achieved 8/2008
5) Mow the lawn without dripping sweat like a swine: achieved 9/2008
6) Jet ski, tube, maybe even water ski:
7) Get in a canoe without fearing it’s going to tip over, and being able to handle rowing it:
8) Get on a horse again! We were going to go horseback riding on our honeymoon, but at my all-time high weight- I really feared for the safety of the poor thing!:
9) To have my picture taken at the beach and not worry that people will look at it and say to themselves “beached whale”:
10) Tanning without worrying about what’s NOT going to get tan cause there’s some skin that shouldn’t be there, in the way:
11) Get in a bathing suit and not feel bad about it, I’m not going to ever say bikini- I am not sure that I will ever get there, or want to go there:
12) Do things like take swimming classes WITH my daughter:
13) Garden with ease:
14) Sunbathe- if only in my own back yard, but feel comfortable enough to do it at the beach: 15) Be comfortable nude in front of my husband: in process
16) Try on clothes and not feel the tears welling up in my eyes: achieved 11/2008
17) Be comfortable in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath:
18) Be in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath WITH my husband:
19) To be able to buy clothes just about anywhere rather than the ‘big girl’ shops: achieved 11/2008
20) Ride on an airplane comfortably- without having to ask for a seatbelt extender:
21) Buy and look damn good in a lil black dress, hell ANY dress, I have not worn a dress in a longgg time!:
22) At least try on a pair of high heel shoes, without feeling like an elephant on roller skates:
23) Get on an amusement park ride without a care in the world:
24) Go to a sporting event or concert and not worry about whether my ass will fit in the seat without squeezing through to my neighbor:
25) Not worry about renting only non-compact cars:
26) Go to a restaurant and not have to request a TABLE with CHAIRS rather than a booth: achieved 10/2008
27) Shower with grace: in process
28) Work out pretty much daily: ongoing
29) Teach my child(ren) a healthy lifestyle, to eat right and exercise: ongoing
30) Hike without getting downright winded:
31) Bike with ease: in process
32) Swim:
33) Play the sport I love- racquetball:
34) Go on kiddie rides at the carnival to experience my child’s pure, innocent pleasure- firsthand:
36) Run a mile without feeling like my heart is going to burst right out of my chest:
37) Climb stairs with ease: in process
38) Dance!:
39) Do a triathlon someday:
40) Give up cigarettes for the rest of my life: failed
41) Give up pop for the rest of my life: failed
42) Give up sweets for the rest of my life: failed
43) Quit making excuses: ongoing
44) Cross my legs with ease: achieved 10/2008
45) Own exercise equipment and use it for its intended purpose rather than a coat rack:
46) Find a WLS support group: achieved 6/2008 and ongoing
47) Attend counseling:
48) Be proud of my driver’s license picture:
49) Walk by a mirror and not be repulsed by what I see: ongoing
50) Paint my own toenails:
51) Wear my shirt tucked in, maybe even wear a belt! What a concept!:
52) Go to Disney World again and actually enjoy it:
53) Go on a cruise:
54) Scuba dive and/or snorkel:
55) To have my inner thighs NOT rub together:
56) Go on a waterslide, maybe even play with kids on a slip-n-slide!:
57) Jump off a diving board, maybe?:
58) Play with my kid(s) at the playground rather than just sitting there watching all the fun: achieved 08/2008
59) Be off all diabetes medications: achieved 06/09/08
60) Be off hypertension medication: achieved 06/09/08
61) Be off cholesterol medications: achieved 06/09/08
62) Be off reflux medication: achieved 06/09/08
63) Be off anxiety medication: achieved 06/09/08
64) Become a non-diabetic: achieved for sure: 11/2008
65) Be a size 28: achieved 06/17/08
66) Be a size 26: achieved 06/29/08
67) Be a size 24: achieved 07/12/08
68) Be a size 22: achieved 8/31/08
69) Be a size 20: achieved 10/04/08
70) Be a size 18: achieved 12/15/08
71) Be a size 16: achieved 02/04/09 (I BOUGHT MY VERY FIRST PAIR OF LEVI’S TODAY!!!)
72) Be a size 14: working on it!!
73) Be a size 12: maybe, just mayyybe!
74) Lose 10 pounds: achieved 06/14/08
75) Lose 20 pounds: achieved 06/18/08
76) Lose 30 pounds: achieved 06/28/08
77) Lose 40 pounds: achieved 07/11/08
78) Lose 50 pounds: achieved 07/28/08
79) Lose 60 pounds: achieved 08/18/08
80) Lose 70 pounds: achieved 09/11/08
81) Lose 80 pounds: achieved 10/06/08
82) Lose 90 pounds: achieved 11/14/08
83) Lose 100 pounds: achieved 12/09/08
84) Lose 113 pounds- REACH GOAL!: soooo close I can taste it! 2 more pounds to go!!!
85) Maintain excess weight loss for 1 year:
86) Renew wedding vows after maintaining excess weight loss for 1 year:
87) Maintain excess weight loss for 2 years:
88) Get plastic surgery after keeping weight off for 2 years:
89) Kite surf?:
90) Play tennis:
91) Join a sand volleyball league:
92) Join a softball league:
93) Roller skate, maybe even rollerblade someday, maybe even join a roller derby league?:
94) Maintain excess weight loss for life: ongoing
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Weight Loss Journey Bucket List: Last Updated: 03/01/09

Started: June 9, 2008.
Last updated: March 1, 2009

There was a point in my life that I was convincingly happy; I showed on the outside that I was content; but inside, inside a demon was screaming bloody murder!!!

I always told myself that I would not let my weight hold me back from anything.

I said that I would not let my size ever interfere with the things that I truly want to do… but to be brutally honest and forthcoming with that honestly… I have… so much!!!

I am going to start a list of the things that I know damn well my weight has held me back from doing. Mind you- these are in no particular order, just the order they appear in my head.

These are now goals that I would like to achieve during my weight loss journey:

1) Jump on a trampoline without fearing- 1: everyone laughing at me and/or 2: that the thing is going to collapse:
2) Dance on a bar top, or at least feel like I could without ridicule:
3) Sit down and not worry about if the chair will break: achieved 10/2008
4) Tie my shoes without physical exhaustion: achieved 8/2008
5) Mow the lawn without dripping sweat like a swine: achieved 9/2008
6) Jet ski, tube, maybe even water ski:
7) Get in a canoe without fearing it’s going to tip over, and being able to handle rowing it:
8) Get on a horse again! We were going to go horseback riding on our honeymoon, but at my all-time high weight- I really feared for the safety of the poor thing!:
9) To have my picture taken at the beach and not worry that people will look at it and say to themselves “beached whale”:
10) Tanning without worrying about what’s NOT going to get tan cause there’s some skin that shouldn’t be there, in the way:
11) Get in a bathing suit and not feel bad about it, I’m not going to ever say bikini- I am not sure that I will ever get there, or want to go there:
12) Do things like take swimming classes WITH my daughter:
13) Garden with ease:
14) Sunbathe- if only in my own back yard, but feel comfortable enough to do it at the beach: 15) Be comfortable nude in front of my husband: in process
16) Try on clothes and not feel the tears welling up in my eyes: achieved 11/2008
17) Be comfortable in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath:
18) Be in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath WITH my husband:
19) To be able to buy clothes just about anywhere rather than the ‘big girl’ shops: achieved 11/2008
20) Ride on an airplane comfortably- without having to ask for a seatbelt extender:
21) Buy and look damn good in a lil black dress, hell ANY dress, I have not worn a dress in a longgg time!:
22) At least try on a pair of high heel shoes, without feeling like an elephant on roller skates:
23) Get on an amusement park ride without a care in the world:
24) Go to a sporting event or concert and not worry about whether my ass will fit in the seat without squeezing through to my neighbor:
25) Not worry about renting only non-compact cars:
26) Go to a restaurant and not have to request a TABLE with CHAIRS rather than a booth: achieved 10/2008
27) Shower with grace: in process
28) Work out pretty much daily: ongoing
29) Teach my child(ren) a healthy lifestyle, to eat right and exercise: ongoing
30) Hike without getting downright winded:
31) Bike with ease: in process
32) Swim:
33) Play the sport I love- racquetball:
34) Go on kiddie rides at the carnival to experience my child’s pure, innocent pleasure- firsthand:
36) Run a mile without feeling like my heart is going to burst right out of my chest:
37) Climb stairs with ease: in process
38) Dance!:
39) Do a triathlon someday:
40) Give up cigarettes for the rest of my life: failed
41) Give up pop for the rest of my life: failed
42) Give up sweets for the rest of my life: failed
43) Quit making excuses: ongoing
44) Cross my legs with ease: achieved 10/2008
45) Own exercise equipment and use it for its intended purpose rather than a coat rack:
46) Find a WLS support group: achieved 6/2008 and ongoing
47) Attend counseling:
48) Be proud of my driver’s license picture:
49) Walk by a mirror and not be repulsed by what I see: ongoing
50) Paint my own toenails:
51) Wear my shirt tucked in, maybe even wear a belt! What a concept!:
52) Go to Disney World again and actually enjoy it:
53) Go on a cruise:
54) Scuba dive and/or snorkel:
55) To have my inner thighs NOT rub together:
56) Go on a waterslide, maybe even play with kids on a slip-n-slide!:
57) Jump off a diving board, maybe?:
58) Play with my kid(s) at the playground rather than just sitting there watching all the fun: achieved 08/2008
59) Be off all diabetes medications: achieved 06/09/08
60) Be off hypertension medication: achieved 06/09/08
61) Be off cholesterol medications: achieved 06/09/08
62) Be off reflux medication: achieved 06/09/08
63) Be off anxiety medication: achieved 06/09/08
64) Become a non-diabetic: achieved for sure: 11/2008
65) Be a size 28: achieved 06/17/08
66) Be a size 26: achieved 06/29/08
67) Be a size 24: achieved 07/12/08
68) Be a size 22: achieved 8/31/08
69) Be a size 20: achieved 10/04/08
70) Be a size 18: achieved 12/15/08
71) Be a size 16: achieved 02/04/09 (I BOUGHT MY VERY FIRST PAIR OF LEVI’S TODAY!!!)
72) Be a size 14: working on it!!
73) Be a size 12: maybe, just mayyybe!
74) Lose 10 pounds: achieved 06/14/08
75) Lose 20 pounds: achieved 06/18/08
76) Lose 30 pounds: achieved 06/28/08
77) Lose 40 pounds: achieved 07/11/08
78) Lose 50 pounds: achieved 07/28/08
79) Lose 60 pounds: achieved 08/18/08
80) Lose 70 pounds: achieved 09/11/08
81) Lose 80 pounds: achieved 10/06/08
82) Lose 90 pounds: achieved 11/14/08
83) Lose 100 pounds: achieved 12/09/08
84) Lose 113 pounds- REACH GOAL!: soooo close I can taste it! 2 more pounds to go!!!
85) Maintain excess weight loss for 1 year:
86) Renew wedding vows after maintaining excess weight loss for 1 year:
87) Maintain excess weight loss for 2 years:
88) Get plastic surgery after keeping weight off for 2 years:
89) Kite surf?:
90) Play tennis:
91) Join a sand volleyball league:
92) Join a softball league:
93) Roller skate, maybe even rollerblade someday, maybe even join a roller derby league?:
94) Maintain excess weight loss for life: ongoing
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Comparisons (Day before and 8 1/2 months out)

{A sketch I did on FaceBook. I REALLY see the difference in this picture}

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8 1/2 months out...

{Getting used to the new me}

{WOW! Is this REALLY ME!!??!!??}

{Woah! A butt!? Are you kidding me!? It's amazing what a nice pair of jeans will do for a person! I just bought my first pair of Levi's a couple weeks ago!}

{I have a collarbone!? What's up with that!? I never seen that before...hehehe}
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Weight Loss Progress Report

My BMI used to say:
Your BMI score indicates that you are morbidly obese and have an extremely high level of health risk.

It now says:
Your BMI score indicates that you are of normal weight and have a minimal level of health risk.
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182 pounds

Down 106 pounds
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187 pounds

Down 101 pounds
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