2 Week TT Doctor Appt.


MORE (Gastric Bypass) PICTURES

I had my two-week (15 day) post-op appointment this afternoon.
I worked in the yard, played with the kids and did other misc. things so I was surprised that when it came time (3:30pm) to get ready for the appointment I wasn't more swollen than I was.
I took these pictures when getting ready to go:

The doctor said that everything is healing wonderfully. I asked him about the sharp, shooting pain I get in my upper left thigh and he really didn't have ryhme or reason as to why it was happening. He said that the numbness could persist for several months and in some cases be permanant, but the pain is something he has never really heard of from any of his patients. So I guess it will just be a wait and see kinda thing.
I had him check an area at the top of my vertical incision, to the right that I thought must either be fluid build up or a seroma; he assured me it was neither and more than likely scar tissue or fat out of place. He said that I could do a revision in the future to take care of the pucker at the top of my vertical scar too. There is a hard knot under it and it looks awful. I am hoping during the revision that he would be able to do something about the left over skin and line up there as well. I asked him if it would be considered cosmetic or if insurance would pay for it. He told me that he could document the hard knot and pain and run it through as "scar pain". So that is great news!!
He was surprised that my belly button "took." I guess it was questionable as to whether or not it was going to survive. God must truly be with me!!!
Other than that I really didn't have any other issues to go over with him.
I asked what my restrictions are and he said that I was cleared to do pretty much anything except really physical exercise and activities. I can mow the lawn in a couple weeks but as of right now I can push a shopping cart, stroller, drive, vacuum, clean, etc... Bet Doug is happy about that!!!
He said that I can switch to a girdle-type garmet at any point. I have Spanx but they are terribly hard to get on; so I think I'll stick to my binder a while longer.
I asked the staff to email me the 'before' pictures I had taken last year when I was origianlly supposed to get the tuck. They said that they will send them to me Monday :) I am looking forward to that.
My next appointment isn't until July 8th.
Everything is going so well!!!

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Weight Compairson Pictures


WOW! I am taking up far less room in the chair these days!

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Week 2 TT Progress


Things have been getting much better this week. I am still surprised at the lack of pain that I have had, but I am in no way complaining!

My average daily pain level is about a 2; sometimes 3-4, but rarely. I am still taking pain killers daily, but I have significantly decreased the amount I take.

I have been sleeping in bed since day 8, sometimes I fall asleep on the couch though - but anything is better than the recliner!

I went grocery shopping with Doug and the kids on day 10. I rode in an electric scooter and was still very tired and somewhat sore when I got home; not to mention - very swollen.

Taking care of the kids, breastfeeding, chores and showering are getting so much easier. I have done so well with the showering lately that I have been able to have Addy shower with me. Bending over is getting so much easier and not painful at all.
I spent a lot of time cooking on day 11. I made sausage and homemade home fries for breakfast, toasted chicken & mozzarella ravioli with homemade Alfredo sauce for lunch and had split pea soup with ham simmering in the slow cooker all afternoon for dinner. YUM! I also made a lot of roasted garlic to have on hand, some deviled eggs and some brownies! It was so nice to cook again!!! I have been cooking a lot since then, too.

I am walking compltely upright all the time now, crossing my legs, putting a leg or both Indian-style under myself when I sit and relax, getting up and down without any pain and thankfully my ability to jump up when something bad happens is great now.

I still feel somewhat numb in my outer thighs. I still have some sharp, shooting pain run through my left upper thigh when I move a certain way. I am hoping that these things are temporary.

I still wear my binder 24/7 with the exception of showering and a few half-hour breaks throughout the day/night. I tried wearing my Spanx the other day and they are just too hard to get on at this point.

As for results:
Results =
5 Thrilled
4 Happy
3 Pretty Satisfied
2 Disappointed/Unhappy
1 Regret doing it

I still feel like I am holding steady at 3.5; maybe pushing 4.
I never expected to have a beach bod. I gave my surgeon one heck of a mess to work with and he did a great job piecing me back together to the best of his ability. The rest of my body needs work, but I am likely to never get the opportunity to have anything else done. But if I could it would be in the following 'wish-list' order:
1) Butt! Implants, lift, something!
2) Thighs. My thighs are horrendous!!
3) Breasts. Definitely a lift, maybe a reduction, at least one of them!
I think I am okay with the rest - even the arms...

This reminds me!
I asked my surgeon to take a picture of my skin in the OR. He said that the only way he could was if he took his personal cell phone in and took the picture. HE DID! I was so happy! He forwarded it to my email this week! I love my surgeon! If you want to see the picture it is included in MORE (GRAPHIC) PICTURES.

I took this today when I was pleasantly surprised that my pre-op jeans fit even with all of the swelling. While I am happy that they fit I am hoping that someday, preferablly sooner than later, I will get down at least one pants size. I feel like I have come too far to still be considered "plus size"!
I have met some great new friends on Make Me Heal that have supported and encouraged me through this adventure. Like this issue - they assure me that I will likely drop a size or two eventually :) I sure hope they are right!

Day 9 (04/23/10) was a gorgeous weather day! The kids and I have felt so cooped up so I took them outside this afternoon. It was so nice to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and watch Addison run around and have fun! She spent her afternoon collecting flowers, playing in the sandbox and playing on the slide and swings. How fun!!!

Addy playing on the playscape!

Alex's first time in the grass

I took some fun pictures on day 10. I did this because I took the same pictures in the same outfit on this day last year. I didn't notice much of a difference since I have had a baby since then! And darn the breastfeeding for engorging my breasts!!!

Addy & I had so much fun getting into my old pants!!! HILARIOUS!!!


I also put together some colleges from my weight loss journey:

I think my scars are healing wonderfully! At my 8 day post-op appointment last week the nurse took out my horizontal staples (30) and both of my drains. Both were quite painful but I didn't shed a tear. I actually have not cried since surgery like I thought that I would. Especially the first day home when I got my first real look at everything. Doug admitted to me a couple days ago that when he first saw it he thought that I looked like a "butchered swine!" This journey has been an emotional one to say the least; but not in the least bit have I had any depression or even sadness for that matter. I am disappointed with the results in some areas - but I am hoping that things settle down and look better in the future.
Dr. Kole said that I am healing very well. At first, when I was still at the hospital, he said that my left hortizontal incision looked "dusky". Come to find out that meant that I might not have good blood flow to that area. Come to find out I was very close to a case of Necrosis! How scary!! Expecially after reading all of the horror stories and seeing the pictures of people that have had to suffer through the dying skin and tissue. I cannot even imagine. I am counting my lucky stars that I have not yet had any complications what so ever.
The doctor told me to start applying lotion with cocoa butter 2-3 times a day. I bought some on day 10 and have been religiously using it since. The scars are to the point that almost all of the scabs have fallen off already and there are even some areas it barely looks like I was even cut. There are some areas that aren't so pretty, but again, I think in time they will look and feel much better.
I think I still have a great deal of swelling; I hope anyway. I hope that I will get smaller than this. I have a feeling that at my 15 day post-op appointment tomorrow the surgeon will be able to drain some fluid that has built up since the drains were removed last week. One area appears like there could be a seroma, I'm not sure though.

Here are some pictures I took today to show my 2 week tummy tuck progess:

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Day 9 TT Progress Pictures

I was wearing these size 14's going into surgery. Do you think I will ever get down to at least a size 12 after all the swelling subsides?? I have come too far to still be considered "plus size!".

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Week 1 TT Progress


Things are coming along nicely since surgery.

Pain Level:

Drain =
XX/XX (XXX) = (XXX) Equals left drain, right drain, total drainage = total drainage for the day

Results =
5 Thrilled
4 Happy
3 Pretty Satisfied
2 Disappointed/Unhappy
1 Regret doing it

04/14/10: Day of surgery (at hospital) -
Average pain level: 5/10 (with Morphine & pain pump)
Sleeping in hospital bed
Results: 1.5

04/15/10: Day 1 (at home - discharged at 3:30pm) -
Average pain level: 4/10 (with Vicodin (2) & pain pump)
Up 11 pounds of water weight
Doug home to assist
Sleeping in recliner
Drain: 70/40 (110) = (110 + drainage at hospital)
Results: 2

04/16/10: Day 2 -
Average pain level: 3/10 (with Vicodin (7 1/2) & pain pump)
Doug home to assist
First shower with Doug's assistance
Sleeping in recliner
Drain: 30/20 (50), 40/40 (80), 40/30 (70), 25/20 (45), 30/20 (50), 25/10 (35) = (330)
Results: 2

04/17/10: Day 3 -
Average pain level: 4/10 (with Vicodin (6 1/2), Tylenol PM (3) & NO pain pump)
Doug home to assist
Shower with assistance
Sleeping in recliner
Drain: 30/20 (50), 25/0 (25), 30/20 (50), 30/20 (50) = (100)
Results: 2

04/18/10: Day 4 -
Average pain level: 3/10 (with Vicodin (7), Tylenol (3), Tylenol PM (2) & Benadryl (2))
Doug home to assist
Shower with assistance
Cooked very little
Sleeping on couch
Drain: 30/25 (55), 30/10 (40) = (95)
Results: 3

04/19/10: Day 5 -
Average pain level: 2/10 (with Vicodin (4), Tylenol (2), Benadryl ())
First day home alone with kids
Cooked more, cleaned very little
Shower with little assistance
Sleeping on couch
Drain: 20/10 (30), 30/15 (45), 15/10 (25) = (100)
Results: 3

04/20/10: Day 6 -
Average pain level: 2/10 (with Vicodin (3 1/2) & Tylenol (3) & Benadryl (2))
Lost 6/11 pounds of water weight so far
Cooked, cleaned very little, drove
Shower with NO assistance
Sleeping on couch
Drain: 30/10 (40), 15/5 (20) = 60
Results: 3

04/21/10: Day 7 -
Average pain level: 1/10 (with Vicodin 1 1/2)
Stopped walking hunched-backed
Emotions are much better today after being in a lot less pain, being able to move better and seeing much better results in the mirror! Things will only get better from here on out!!!
(Hope to) sleep in bed tonight!
Drain: 15/5 (20) = (20)
Results: 3.5

I am still wearing the binder with the exception of showering and two ~half-hour increments during the day/evening.

I am walking more, breathing better and coughing less every day. Still no nausea, vomiting or sneezing - thank goodness!!!

Breastfeeding, caring for the kids and chores are getting much easier every day.

I am still really swollen as far as I can tell. Legs used to be numb on the fronts; has now moved along the sides - but not as intense. Still get sharp, shooting pains run through both thighs, more so the left. It used to feel like a bee sting, now it feels like lightening - good thing it's quick!

I have my 1-Week follow up appointment with my surgeon tomorrow; I am hoping since my drain output has been so little that they will get removed!!

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Day 4 TT Progress Pictures

still LOTS of swelling going on!

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My Tummy Tuck!


I went in Wednesday, April 14, 2010 for my long-awaited abdominoplasty!

I was told to arrive at the hospital at 8:30am for surgery at 10:30am.

When I got to the hospital I checked in and went up to the surgery waiting room. From there I was taken back to start everything. I had my IV started, blood drawn, blood pressure, oxygen level and temperature taken and answered another ton of questions. After a while Doug and the kids were able to come back and sit with me for over an hour.

I was then taken back to pre-surgical holding, connected to the monitors, had a breathing treatment and was given a mild sedative. While I was there Jennifer came! I was so happy that she got there before I was wheeled into surgery. I visited with everyone and was taken back to the OR a little before noon.

When I got into the OR there were a ton of people running around preparing everything, they talked to me a bit and then said "11:58, have sweet dreams honey..."

Next thing I know I am waking up in the recovery room. I think that is always the absolute worst part of any surgery I have ever had. I despise waking up. When I first woke up I thought to myself: 'what the hell did I do! I made SUCH a mistake!!!' I only felt like this because 1) I was extremely groggy and 2) if someone were to ask me my pain level (1-10) I would have surely said "20!!!" at that point!!

After probably about another half an hour I was wheeled up to my room. Doug, the kids and Jennifer were awaiting me there. From what they said no one came to update them that I was even out of surgery let alone in recovery; so they were very concerned when so much time had passed. I can't even imagine the thoughts they were having. I know if it were either one of them I would have been a nervous wreck!!

A while after I got to my room I was able to order some liquid foods. Everything went down well and stayed down since surgery. I had to get up to potty within an hour of arriving in my room - luckily it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I walked the halls several times with the assitance of my nurses. By dinner time I was advanced to full-liquid diet - I really loved the pureed potato soup!

I visited with Jennifer, Doug and the kids until a little after 9pm. Once they left I tried really hard to get some rest but for the life of me I couldn't sleep more than 20 minute stetches all night.

I was up for good by 4:30am. It seemed to take forever for my surgeon to come by and talk to me about how everything went. He finally showed up a little after 10am. He said that everything went great. He originally said he was going to only put in one drain but because I was "weeping" so much he ended up using two. Before surgery I requested that he weigh and take a picture of my skin he removed; he said the only way he would be able to do it would be to take a picture on his cell phone and email it to me. He actually did! He took it anyway - he hasn't sent it yet. He did show it to me though; what a sight! It weighed a whopping 4 pounds and 13 ounces!!! He said that amount is pretty much average. He said my left side incision is "dusky" - I have no idea what that means, but he didn't seem overly concerned. He assured me that the way he cut me that I will for sure not have any 'dog ears'; which was a great concern of mine. I told him before surgery that muscle repair (MR) wasn't necessary since I wasn't 110% sure we're done having kids. I really didn't care to have the MR because I didn't want the additional pain and I never plan on getting a six-pack nor ever wearing a bikini. He said that he will decide once he got in there. He did up doing MR; he never said how extensive though.

I saw my family doctor while I was there as well. He stopped in to check on me, noticed I was wheezing so he ordered a chest x-ray to rule out pnemonia and a lot of blood work. The resident came in later and told me that my x-ray was fine and if the blood work came back okay I would be released that day!

Everything ended up coming back great and I was discharged and home by 4pm, 04/15/10!

I was given a prescription for Lortab 5/500 to take 1-2 every 6 hours. I have been trying to take as little as possible to just get by so I can still nurse Alex. Sometimes I take 1, sometimes 2, and sometimes I take one Lortab and one Tylenol PM if I want rest. I also had a pain pump put in; It was a continuous flow, non-bolus. I was told that when the bulb was empty to remove the tubes myself. I noticed around 5pm tonight that it was time. I got everything all ready to remove them and it hurt so bad!! It was like I could feel the tissues moving inside my tummy as I pulled! It took over 2 hours to finally get them out. What a relief it is to not have those tubes going in me anymore; now if I could just get the drains removed!

I have the two drains in, one on each hip. I have to squeeze them regularly to make sure they are clot-free and I have to empty and measure them whenever they have a good amount of output in them. Over the last couple of days the output is diminishing; as well the color is changing. It is no longer deep red blood, it's turning more pink/clear. Both are good signs that I should be able to get them out soon. But more than likely that won't be until my one-week follow-up surgeon appointment on Thursday 04/22.

I will have to wear my binder for quite some time - which I don't mind; I feel so secure in it. I won't be able to lift the babies or drive for quite a while either. I am incredibly nervous how I am going to manage after Doug goes back to work on Monday.

I have been sleeping in the recliner since I got home. I am going to attempt sleeping in the bed tonight with a ton of pillows.

I have been walking outside as much as possible to help keep things moving. It's a slow-go but I manage.

Coughing hurts SO dang bad!!! I can't imagine what it would be like to sneeze or throw up!!

I am up 6 pounds, so between that and the nearly 5 pounds of skin that was removed - I am retaining about 11 pounds of water at this point. I can't wait for some of the swelling to go down so I can see what things are going to look like!!

I was surprised that I am actually able to use the potty without assitance on and off the toilet. I was able to take a shower yesterday - that also went better than expected. I needed Doug's help to wash up but I wasn't exhausted and sore afterwards like I anticipated.

Doug has been so much help during this. He has taken over all of my duties; from changing all diapers, chasing the kids to feeding all of us. I wouldn't know what to do without the love of my life!!!

I am surprised by the lack of pain. I thought for sure that this surgery would be downright unbearable! At this point I think my gallbladder surgery was the worst of all of my surgeries for some reason. I have some incisional pain, it is somewhat hard to walk upright - but even that is not as bad as I had pictured. My back doesn't seem to be too tight from walking abnormally - so that is good. My thighs, in the front, from my knees up to my hips - are numb. I am not quite sure why this is, but from what I've read this is somewhat common. I have sharp, shooting pains in my left leg when I strain from time to time. I have read that this is probably the nerves regenerating. I have not really had any nausea - I am ever-so-thankful for that! I have a decent appetite and I am overall - happy. I have had no regrets so far (other than those first few moments waking up in the recovery room). I really think I did the right thing and that I will never regret doing this.

I have a long recovery road ahead of me and I will reserve judgement on what the end results will be- for quite some time. When I got my first look at the incisions I was freaked out to say the least. I had not only been cut from hip to hip, but also from about two inches below the bra line all the way down - meeting up with the first cut. I have staples and glue holding me together horizonally and stitches and glue on my vertical but. The doctor said that my new belly button is in the same place - but to me it looks terribly high; at least right now. There is a lot of puckering along the incisons, and two very strange long puckers close to my breasts. I am sure everything will even out in time.

I have pictures - if you would like to see my before and afters just let me know and I will send you the link to where they are posted online.

Thank you everyone for your kind words, thoughts and prayers during this and my other surgeries; it is so much appreciated!

A special thank you goes out to Jennifer for helping so much at the hospital. And another to my wonderful, loving, helpful, dear, sweet husband - Doug. I love you more than you will ever know!!!

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