Week 1 TT Progress
Things are coming along nicely since surgery.
Pain Level:

Drain =
XX/XX (XXX) = (XXX) Equals left drain, right drain, total drainage = total drainage for the day
Results =
5 Thrilled
4 Happy
3 Pretty Satisfied
2 Disappointed/Unhappy
1 Regret doing it
04/14/10: Day of surgery (at hospital) -
Average pain level: 5/10 (with Morphine & pain pump)
Sleeping in hospital bed
Results: 1.5
04/15/10: Day 1 (at home - discharged at 3:30pm) -
Average pain level: 4/10 (with Vicodin (2) & pain pump)
Up 11 pounds of water weight
Doug home to assist
Sleeping in recliner
Drain: 70/40 (110) = (110 + drainage at hospital)
Results: 2
04/16/10: Day 2 -
Average pain level: 3/10 (with Vicodin (7 1/2) & pain pump)
Doug home to assist
First shower with Doug's assistance
Sleeping in recliner
Drain: 30/20 (50), 40/40 (80), 40/30 (70), 25/20 (45), 30/20 (50), 25/10 (35) = (330)
Results: 2
04/17/10: Day 3 -
Average pain level: 4/10 (with Vicodin (6 1/2), Tylenol PM (3) & NO pain pump)
Doug home to assist
Shower with assistance
Sleeping in recliner
Drain: 30/20 (50), 25/0 (25), 30/20 (50), 30/20 (50) = (100)
Results: 2
04/18/10: Day 4 -
Average pain level: 3/10 (with Vicodin (7), Tylenol (3), Tylenol PM (2) & Benadryl (2))
Doug home to assist
Shower with assistance
Cooked very little
Sleeping on couch
Drain: 30/25 (55), 30/10 (40) = (95)
Results: 3
04/19/10: Day 5 -
Average pain level: 2/10 (with Vicodin (4), Tylenol (2), Benadryl ())
First day home alone with kids
Cooked more, cleaned very little
Shower with little assistance
Sleeping on couch
Drain: 20/10 (30), 30/15 (45), 15/10 (25) = (100)
Results: 3
04/20/10: Day 6 -
Average pain level: 2/10 (with Vicodin (3 1/2) & Tylenol (3) & Benadryl (2))
Lost 6/11 pounds of water weight so far
Cooked, cleaned very little, drove
Shower with NO assistance
Sleeping on couch
Drain: 30/10 (40), 15/5 (20) = 60
Results: 3
04/21/10: Day 7 -
Average pain level: 1/10 (with Vicodin 1 1/2)
Stopped walking hunched-backed
Emotions are much better today after being in a lot less pain, being able to move better and seeing much better results in the mirror! Things will only get better from here on out!!!
(Hope to) sleep in bed tonight!
Drain: 15/5 (20) = (20)
Results: 3.5
I am still wearing the binder with the exception of showering and two ~half-hour increments during the day/evening.
I am walking more, breathing better and coughing less every day. Still no nausea, vomiting or sneezing - thank goodness!!!
Breastfeeding, caring for the kids and chores are getting much easier every day.
I am still really swollen as far as I can tell. Legs used to be numb on the fronts; has now moved along the sides - but not as intense. Still get sharp, shooting pains run through both thighs, more so the left. It used to feel like a bee sting, now it feels like lightening - good thing it's quick!
I have my 1-Week follow up appointment with my surgeon tomorrow; I am hoping since my drain output has been so little that they will get removed!!

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