WLS: Drinking while Eating
Current mood: inquizative
curious... is the only reason they tell you not to drink while eating because it will push the food through and you will no longer feel full? Or is there a medical reason that it will do some harm? I am in the early stages and I never feel hungry nor full, I just eat because I know I have to. So I'm thinking drinking while eating isn't going to hurt, at this point anyway??
“Yes, that's the primary reason they tell you not to drink while eating. I've also heard that the water can kind of mush the food down in your stomach (pouch) so you can eat more than you would without the water. It's great that you're not experiencing the hunger feelings right now, but you're early out, and chances are those sensations will return within a few weeks or months. You've heard this surgery referred to as a tool, and that's how you have to remember it. A lot of the old feelings are going to come back. I'm 8 months out and I get ravenously hungry sometimes. In time, you will be able to eat more food. These early days are your opportunity to create the new habits that will help you maintain your weight loss long-term. Drinking water with your meal may not hurt you now, but it will be a big problem later on. There's a reason "drinking with meals" is tops on the list of reasons why people have re-gain problems. It's just not worth it...use this time to re-train your brain and your body, you'll thank yourself for it!”
“Don't set yourself up for disaster; just get in the habit now. Is there any reason why you want to drink with your meals? My thought is that the reason probably isn’t going to go away once you "feel full". Why not just break the habit now?”
“I didn’t get all my fluids in the first two weeks, that’s for sure. It gets better and better every day and, per my NUT, that’s ok as long as i try my best. You may want to call your NUT and see what they think. I know some people that don’t drink for 15 mins before and 30 mins after. there would be an extra 15 mins every meal if your NUT would approve that. I'd call them, tell them the problem, tell they how much you ARE getting in, and see what they say.”
“only other thing that i have not seen mentioned... it can cause dumping and who the hell needs that”
“Drinking while eating is the BEST way to REGAIN later. Yes, drinking while you are eating will push the food through and you won't feel full as long. But while you are pushing that food through the stoma you are slowly but surely stretching that stoma out and, over time - like a year or so out when you do feel hunger and you can eat more food, you will be so sorry you drank while you ate. If you keep your stoma small, then you will have that restriction 10 years from now - and you are going to need it. Drinking while I eat - and not drinking AT LEAST a 1/2 hour after eating (usually an hour) is the one rule I never, ever break. The reason you don't feel full now is because your nerve endings are still healing from surgery. Give it about a month and you will be get that feeling.”
“I haven't read the rest of the replies yet, so many someone already addressed this. There are TWO reasons why we don't drink and eat at the same time:1. The reason you stated.... food washes through the pouch faster with water and will leave you hungry sooner. It will also wash the food through AS you’re eating, so you'll be able to consume more food in one sitting than you should be able to. The whole point of having a small pouch is to only allow us to eat a very small amount of food. Don't defeat the purpose of your surgery by working around this aspect.2. With food you will be FORCING food out of your pouch and into your intestine before it has had a chance to begin any digestion in the stomach. Although digestion is greatly reduced in the pouch, there is still some of this happening. Your food mixes with the digestive enzymes in your saliva and begins to get broken down in your pouch. The food needs to stay in the pouch until it's ready to be pushed into the intestine. By drinking with your meals you are forcing that food to be pushed out before it's ready. Repeatedly doing this will cause the food to stretch your Stoma (the opening between your pouch and intestine). A stretched Stoma is much worse than a stretched pouch. If you stretch your stomach to the same size as your pouch, then you essentially no longer have a pouch --- you just have a 20-foot long stomach (your intestine) that you can pack as much food into as you want. Your need to protect that Stoma and be very careful not to damage it.Do some research on the Pyloric Valve. We no longer have that after surgery, so we need to manually do the work it used to do automatically.Sometimes knowing WHY we have rules makes it easier to follow the rules we're given.”“For me the drinking/eating thing wasn't such a hard habit to break...but it does get tricky for me with the timing. In the mornings for instance. There are two things I need to accomplish before I leave for work...take my vitamins (cuz if not I’ll forget) and eat breakfast. Well I had to coordinate that a little. I take my vitamins as soon as i get out of the bed and drink a full glass of water. About 45 minutes later the water has passed through and I can proceed with breakfast. It helped me to get on a food/water schedule. That may help you as well. Sometimes, though, if I eat something too salty (happened a couple of times) I feel like I need something to take that taste away. I eat a grape. It's got the liquid in it, gets rid of the taste, and doesn't put a significant amount of fluid in my pouch. Just my two cents.”“I am about 10 weeks out and still have a hard time with protein. When I drink to soon after eating, the fluid just sits on top of the food and I puke it out (sorry for the visual). It doesn’t flush my food, just chest pain, so I don’t do it. It was a very hard habit for me to kick. Actually I just found that at 8 weeks everything got easier for me... I can drink a lot more, and faster, and I can eat a lot better. This is the hardest thing I have ever done! GREAT job on your weight loss thus far. Now I only wait about 30 min after I eat to drink, but find even that hard in this hot weather. Good luck, and keep posting all your questions... no question is a stupid question, and that’s what boards are for. We all know to call our docs, but sometime we need to talk to others who have been thru it.. For reassurance and guidance!!! I know I do!!”“I personally believe drinking with my meals was one of the MAIN reasons I got SMO in the first place. Run to Taco Bell - have 3 of those monstrous cups worth of Diet Pepsi. Washed all those tacos and bean burritos away only to replace it a couple hours later because I was starving. Post-op it's no different except for the fact you can really undo a lot of what you signed up for when you got a restrictive procedure. Drinking with meals is bad news and I will NEVER do it again. And that is something I can say with absolute conviction because I think it's seriously bad news to anyone considering it. You're sooooo new out. Please be kind to yourself. Do what you can. I took water with my everywhere. To the bathroom, to the store, everywhere. Go invest in some water bottles and bring them with you no matter what. In the beginning you have to be that focused to get your water when you can. Relearning everything isn't easy but it can be done.”
curious... is the only reason they tell you not to drink while eating because it will push the food through and you will no longer feel full? Or is there a medical reason that it will do some harm? I am in the early stages and I never feel hungry nor full, I just eat because I know I have to. So I'm thinking drinking while eating isn't going to hurt, at this point anyway??
“Yes, that's the primary reason they tell you not to drink while eating. I've also heard that the water can kind of mush the food down in your stomach (pouch) so you can eat more than you would without the water. It's great that you're not experiencing the hunger feelings right now, but you're early out, and chances are those sensations will return within a few weeks or months. You've heard this surgery referred to as a tool, and that's how you have to remember it. A lot of the old feelings are going to come back. I'm 8 months out and I get ravenously hungry sometimes. In time, you will be able to eat more food. These early days are your opportunity to create the new habits that will help you maintain your weight loss long-term. Drinking water with your meal may not hurt you now, but it will be a big problem later on. There's a reason "drinking with meals" is tops on the list of reasons why people have re-gain problems. It's just not worth it...use this time to re-train your brain and your body, you'll thank yourself for it!”
“Don't set yourself up for disaster; just get in the habit now. Is there any reason why you want to drink with your meals? My thought is that the reason probably isn’t going to go away once you "feel full". Why not just break the habit now?”
“I didn’t get all my fluids in the first two weeks, that’s for sure. It gets better and better every day and, per my NUT, that’s ok as long as i try my best. You may want to call your NUT and see what they think. I know some people that don’t drink for 15 mins before and 30 mins after. there would be an extra 15 mins every meal if your NUT would approve that. I'd call them, tell them the problem, tell they how much you ARE getting in, and see what they say.”
“only other thing that i have not seen mentioned... it can cause dumping and who the hell needs that”
“Drinking while eating is the BEST way to REGAIN later. Yes, drinking while you are eating will push the food through and you won't feel full as long. But while you are pushing that food through the stoma you are slowly but surely stretching that stoma out and, over time - like a year or so out when you do feel hunger and you can eat more food, you will be so sorry you drank while you ate. If you keep your stoma small, then you will have that restriction 10 years from now - and you are going to need it. Drinking while I eat - and not drinking AT LEAST a 1/2 hour after eating (usually an hour) is the one rule I never, ever break. The reason you don't feel full now is because your nerve endings are still healing from surgery. Give it about a month and you will be get that feeling.”
“I haven't read the rest of the replies yet, so many someone already addressed this. There are TWO reasons why we don't drink and eat at the same time:1. The reason you stated.... food washes through the pouch faster with water and will leave you hungry sooner. It will also wash the food through AS you’re eating, so you'll be able to consume more food in one sitting than you should be able to. The whole point of having a small pouch is to only allow us to eat a very small amount of food. Don't defeat the purpose of your surgery by working around this aspect.2. With food you will be FORCING food out of your pouch and into your intestine before it has had a chance to begin any digestion in the stomach. Although digestion is greatly reduced in the pouch, there is still some of this happening. Your food mixes with the digestive enzymes in your saliva and begins to get broken down in your pouch. The food needs to stay in the pouch until it's ready to be pushed into the intestine. By drinking with your meals you are forcing that food to be pushed out before it's ready. Repeatedly doing this will cause the food to stretch your Stoma (the opening between your pouch and intestine). A stretched Stoma is much worse than a stretched pouch. If you stretch your stomach to the same size as your pouch, then you essentially no longer have a pouch --- you just have a 20-foot long stomach (your intestine) that you can pack as much food into as you want. Your need to protect that Stoma and be very careful not to damage it.Do some research on the Pyloric Valve. We no longer have that after surgery, so we need to manually do the work it used to do automatically.Sometimes knowing WHY we have rules makes it easier to follow the rules we're given.”“For me the drinking/eating thing wasn't such a hard habit to break...but it does get tricky for me with the timing. In the mornings for instance. There are two things I need to accomplish before I leave for work...take my vitamins (cuz if not I’ll forget) and eat breakfast. Well I had to coordinate that a little. I take my vitamins as soon as i get out of the bed and drink a full glass of water. About 45 minutes later the water has passed through and I can proceed with breakfast. It helped me to get on a food/water schedule. That may help you as well. Sometimes, though, if I eat something too salty (happened a couple of times) I feel like I need something to take that taste away. I eat a grape. It's got the liquid in it, gets rid of the taste, and doesn't put a significant amount of fluid in my pouch. Just my two cents.”“I am about 10 weeks out and still have a hard time with protein. When I drink to soon after eating, the fluid just sits on top of the food and I puke it out (sorry for the visual). It doesn’t flush my food, just chest pain, so I don’t do it. It was a very hard habit for me to kick. Actually I just found that at 8 weeks everything got easier for me... I can drink a lot more, and faster, and I can eat a lot better. This is the hardest thing I have ever done! GREAT job on your weight loss thus far. Now I only wait about 30 min after I eat to drink, but find even that hard in this hot weather. Good luck, and keep posting all your questions... no question is a stupid question, and that’s what boards are for. We all know to call our docs, but sometime we need to talk to others who have been thru it.. For reassurance and guidance!!! I know I do!!”“I personally believe drinking with my meals was one of the MAIN reasons I got SMO in the first place. Run to Taco Bell - have 3 of those monstrous cups worth of Diet Pepsi. Washed all those tacos and bean burritos away only to replace it a couple hours later because I was starving. Post-op it's no different except for the fact you can really undo a lot of what you signed up for when you got a restrictive procedure. Drinking with meals is bad news and I will NEVER do it again. And that is something I can say with absolute conviction because I think it's seriously bad news to anyone considering it. You're sooooo new out. Please be kind to yourself. Do what you can. I took water with my everywhere. To the bathroom, to the store, everywhere. Go invest in some water bottles and bring them with you no matter what. In the beginning you have to be that focused to get your water when you can. Relearning everything isn't easy but it can be done.”
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