
This article pretty much describes my condition. The doctor will be doing an open incision rather than lapropscopic, to go in and see what the exact problem is. Once inside he will determine what part of me needs fixing and do what he can to fix the issue. It could be the unused portion of the stomach, intestines and bowels or it could be the good stuff; he will not know until he is in there.

He said that he will "untwist what's twisted and suture it in place so that it cannot become twisted again". Sounds simple enough...

I cannot wait to be able to eat again. Since Wednesday I have not been able to hold anything down. I would eat and within an hour I would have this gut-wrenching pain followed by extereme vomiting. This would go on until my stomach was completely empty, actually longer - I would be throwing up stomach contents, acid and such. It was absolutely miserable.

The surgery is supposed to start around 2 and could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours. I will more than likely have a lot of scar tissue on my abdomen from the gastric bypass and the gallbladder removal surgeries; so it is expected it will take at least an hour and 1/2.
I have never really been one to fear surgery... but this time is different. I feel so out of control that it had to happen when I was pregnant and now I will be taking 'him' into surgery with me.

God, please be with us.

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