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3:02 AM

My BMI used to say:44.1
Your BMI score indicates that you are morbidly obese and have an extremely high level of health risk.
It now says:24.0
Your BMI score indicates that you are of normal weight and have a minimal level of health risk.
2:59 AM
Week 1: 13
Week 2: 13
Week 3: 4
Week 4: 5
Week 5: 6
Week 6: 1
Week 7: 6
Week 8: 1
Week 9: 3
Week 10: 7
Week 11: 5
Week 12: 0
Week 13: 4
Week 14: 3
Week 15: 2
Week 16: 1
Week 17: 4
Week 18: 1
Week 19: 1
Week 20: 1
Week 21: 2
Week 22: 0
Week 23: 6
Week 24: 0
Week 25: 4
Week 26: 3
Week 27: 2
Week 28: 0
Week 29: 0
Week 30: 1
Week 31: 0
Week 32: 1
Week 33: 1
Week 34: 1
Week 35: 2
Week 36: 5
Week 37: 0
Week 38: 0
Week 39: 0
Week 40: 0
2:59 AM
177 poundsDown 111 pounds
2:59 AM
Started: June 9, 2008.
Last updated: March 1, 2009
There was a point in my life that I was convincingly happy; I showed on the outside that I was content; but inside, inside a demon was screaming bloody murder!!!
I always told myself that I would not let my weight hold me back from anything.
I said that I would not let my size ever interfere with the things that I truly want to do… but to be brutally honest and forthcoming with that honestly… I have… so much!!!
I am going to start a list of the things that I know damn well my weight has held me back from doing. Mind you- these are in no particular order, just the order they appear in my head.
These are now goals that I would like to achieve during my weight loss journey:
1) Jump on a trampoline without fearing- 1: everyone laughing at me and/or 2: that the thing is going to collapse:
2) Dance on a bar top, or at least feel like I could without ridicule:
3) Sit down and not worry about if the chair will break: achieved 10/2008
4) Tie my shoes without physical exhaustion: achieved 8/2008
5) Mow the lawn without dripping sweat like a swine: achieved 9/2008
6) Jet ski, tube, maybe even water ski:
7) Get in a canoe without fearing it’s going to tip over, and being able to handle rowing it:
8) Get on a horse again! We were going to go horseback riding on our honeymoon, but at my all-time high weight- I really feared for the safety of the poor thing!:
9) To have my picture taken at the beach and not worry that people will look at it and say to themselves “beached whale”:
10) Tanning without worrying about what’s NOT going to get tan cause there’s some skin that shouldn’t be there, in the way:
11) Get in a bathing suit and not feel bad about it, I’m not going to ever say bikini- I am not sure that I will ever get there, or want to go there:
12) Do things like take swimming classes WITH my daughter:
13) Garden with ease:
14) Sunbathe- if only in my own back yard, but feel comfortable enough to do it at the beach: 15) Be comfortable nude in front of my husband: in process
16) Try on clothes and not feel the tears welling up in my eyes: achieved 11/2008
17) Be comfortable in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath:
18) Be in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath WITH my husband:
19) To be able to buy clothes just about anywhere rather than the ‘big girl’ shops: achieved 11/2008
20) Ride on an airplane comfortably- without having to ask for a seatbelt extender:
21) Buy and look damn good in a lil black dress, hell ANY dress, I have not worn a dress in a longgg time!:
22) At least try on a pair of high heel shoes, without feeling like an elephant on roller skates:
23) Get on an amusement park ride without a care in the world:
24) Go to a sporting event or concert and not worry about whether my ass will fit in the seat without squeezing through to my neighbor:
25) Not worry about renting only non-compact cars:
26) Go to a restaurant and not have to request a TABLE with CHAIRS rather than a booth: achieved 10/2008
27) Shower with grace: in process
28) Work out pretty much daily: ongoing
29) Teach my child(ren) a healthy lifestyle, to eat right and exercise: ongoing
30) Hike without getting downright winded:
31) Bike with ease: in process
32) Swim:
33) Play the sport I love- racquetball:
34) Go on kiddie rides at the carnival to experience my child’s pure, innocent pleasure- firsthand:
36) Run a mile without feeling like my heart is going to burst right out of my chest:
37) Climb stairs with ease: in process
38) Dance!:
39) Do a triathlon someday:
40) Give up cigarettes for the rest of my life: failed
41) Give up pop for the rest of my life: failed
42) Give up sweets for the rest of my life: failed
43) Quit making excuses: ongoing
44) Cross my legs with ease: achieved 10/2008
45) Own exercise equipment and use it for its intended purpose rather than a coat rack:
46) Find a WLS support group: achieved 6/2008 and ongoing
47) Attend counseling:
48) Be proud of my driver’s license picture:
49) Walk by a mirror and not be repulsed by what I see: ongoing
50) Paint my own toenails:
51) Wear my shirt tucked in, maybe even wear a belt! What a concept!:
52) Go to Disney World again and actually enjoy it:
53) Go on a cruise:
54) Scuba dive and/or snorkel:
55) To have my inner thighs NOT rub together:
56) Go on a waterslide, maybe even play with kids on a slip-n-slide!:
57) Jump off a diving board, maybe?:
58) Play with my kid(s) at the playground rather than just sitting there watching all the fun: achieved 08/2008
59) Be off all diabetes medications: achieved 06/09/08
60) Be off hypertension medication: achieved 06/09/08
61) Be off cholesterol medications: achieved 06/09/08
62) Be off reflux medication: achieved 06/09/08
63) Be off anxiety medication: achieved 06/09/08
64) Become a non-diabetic: achieved for sure: 11/2008
65) Be a size 28: achieved 06/17/08
66) Be a size 26: achieved 06/29/08
67) Be a size 24: achieved 07/12/08
68) Be a size 22: achieved 8/31/08
69) Be a size 20: achieved 10/04/08
70) Be a size 18: achieved 12/15/08
71) Be a size 16: achieved 02/04/09 (I BOUGHT MY VERY FIRST PAIR OF LEVI’S TODAY!!!)
72) Be a size 14: working on it!!
73) Be a size 12: maybe, just mayyybe!
74) Lose 10 pounds: achieved 06/14/08
75) Lose 20 pounds: achieved 06/18/08
76) Lose 30 pounds: achieved 06/28/08
77) Lose 40 pounds: achieved 07/11/08
78) Lose 50 pounds: achieved 07/28/08
79) Lose 60 pounds: achieved 08/18/08
80) Lose 70 pounds: achieved 09/11/08
81) Lose 80 pounds: achieved 10/06/08
82) Lose 90 pounds: achieved 11/14/08
83) Lose 100 pounds: achieved 12/09/08
84) Lose 113 pounds- REACH GOAL!: soooo close I can taste it! 2 more pounds to go!!!
85) Maintain excess weight loss for 1 year:
86) Renew wedding vows after maintaining excess weight loss for 1 year:
87) Maintain excess weight loss for 2 years:
88) Get plastic surgery after keeping weight off for 2 years:
89) Kite surf?:
90) Play tennis:
91) Join a sand volleyball league:
92) Join a softball league:
93) Roller skate, maybe even rollerblade someday, maybe even join a roller derby league?:
94) Maintain excess weight loss for life: ongoing
11:59 PM
Started: June 9, 2008.
Last updated: March 1, 2009
There was a point in my life that I was convincingly happy; I showed on the outside that I was content; but inside, inside a demon was screaming bloody murder!!!
I always told myself that I would not let my weight hold me back from anything.
I said that I would not let my size ever interfere with the things that I truly want to do… but to be brutally honest and forthcoming with that honestly… I have… so much!!!
I am going to start a list of the things that I know damn well my weight has held me back from doing. Mind you- these are in no particular order, just the order they appear in my head.
These are now goals that I would like to achieve during my weight loss journey:
1) Jump on a trampoline without fearing- 1: everyone laughing at me and/or 2: that the thing is going to collapse:
2) Dance on a bar top, or at least feel like I could without ridicule:
3) Sit down and not worry about if the chair will break: achieved 10/2008
4) Tie my shoes without physical exhaustion: achieved 8/2008
5) Mow the lawn without dripping sweat like a swine: achieved 9/2008
6) Jet ski, tube, maybe even water ski:
7) Get in a canoe without fearing it’s going to tip over, and being able to handle rowing it:
8) Get on a horse again! We were going to go horseback riding on our honeymoon, but at my all-time high weight- I really feared for the safety of the poor thing!:
9) To have my picture taken at the beach and not worry that people will look at it and say to themselves “beached whale”:
10) Tanning without worrying about what’s NOT going to get tan cause there’s some skin that shouldn’t be there, in the way:
11) Get in a bathing suit and not feel bad about it, I’m not going to ever say bikini- I am not sure that I will ever get there, or want to go there:
12) Do things like take swimming classes WITH my daughter:
13) Garden with ease:
14) Sunbathe- if only in my own back yard, but feel comfortable enough to do it at the beach: 15) Be comfortable nude in front of my husband: in process
16) Try on clothes and not feel the tears welling up in my eyes: achieved 11/2008
17) Be comfortable in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath:
18) Be in a hot tub, jacuzzi or bubble bath WITH my husband:
19) To be able to buy clothes just about anywhere rather than the ‘big girl’ shops: achieved 11/2008
20) Ride on an airplane comfortably- without having to ask for a seatbelt extender:
21) Buy and look damn good in a lil black dress, hell ANY dress, I have not worn a dress in a longgg time!:
22) At least try on a pair of high heel shoes, without feeling like an elephant on roller skates:
23) Get on an amusement park ride without a care in the world:
24) Go to a sporting event or concert and not worry about whether my ass will fit in the seat without squeezing through to my neighbor:
25) Not worry about renting only non-compact cars:
26) Go to a restaurant and not have to request a TABLE with CHAIRS rather than a booth: achieved 10/2008
27) Shower with grace: in process
28) Work out pretty much daily: ongoing
29) Teach my child(ren) a healthy lifestyle, to eat right and exercise: ongoing
30) Hike without getting downright winded:
31) Bike with ease: in process
32) Swim:
33) Play the sport I love- racquetball:
34) Go on kiddie rides at the carnival to experience my child’s pure, innocent pleasure- firsthand:
36) Run a mile without feeling like my heart is going to burst right out of my chest:
37) Climb stairs with ease: in process
38) Dance!:
39) Do a triathlon someday:
40) Give up cigarettes for the rest of my life: failed
41) Give up pop for the rest of my life: failed
42) Give up sweets for the rest of my life: failed
43) Quit making excuses: ongoing
44) Cross my legs with ease: achieved 10/2008
45) Own exercise equipment and use it for its intended purpose rather than a coat rack:
46) Find a WLS support group: achieved 6/2008 and ongoing
47) Attend counseling:
48) Be proud of my driver’s license picture:
49) Walk by a mirror and not be repulsed by what I see: ongoing
50) Paint my own toenails:
51) Wear my shirt tucked in, maybe even wear a belt! What a concept!:
52) Go to Disney World again and actually enjoy it:
53) Go on a cruise:
54) Scuba dive and/or snorkel:
55) To have my inner thighs NOT rub together:
56) Go on a waterslide, maybe even play with kids on a slip-n-slide!:
57) Jump off a diving board, maybe?:
58) Play with my kid(s) at the playground rather than just sitting there watching all the fun: achieved 08/2008
59) Be off all diabetes medications: achieved 06/09/08
60) Be off hypertension medication: achieved 06/09/08
61) Be off cholesterol medications: achieved 06/09/08
62) Be off reflux medication: achieved 06/09/08
63) Be off anxiety medication: achieved 06/09/08
64) Become a non-diabetic: achieved for sure: 11/2008
65) Be a size 28: achieved 06/17/08
66) Be a size 26: achieved 06/29/08
67) Be a size 24: achieved 07/12/08
68) Be a size 22: achieved 8/31/08
69) Be a size 20: achieved 10/04/08
70) Be a size 18: achieved 12/15/08
71) Be a size 16: achieved 02/04/09 (I BOUGHT MY VERY FIRST PAIR OF LEVI’S TODAY!!!)
72) Be a size 14: working on it!!
73) Be a size 12: maybe, just mayyybe!
74) Lose 10 pounds: achieved 06/14/08
75) Lose 20 pounds: achieved 06/18/08
76) Lose 30 pounds: achieved 06/28/08
77) Lose 40 pounds: achieved 07/11/08
78) Lose 50 pounds: achieved 07/28/08
79) Lose 60 pounds: achieved 08/18/08
80) Lose 70 pounds: achieved 09/11/08
81) Lose 80 pounds: achieved 10/06/08
82) Lose 90 pounds: achieved 11/14/08
83) Lose 100 pounds: achieved 12/09/08
84) Lose 113 pounds- REACH GOAL!: soooo close I can taste it! 2 more pounds to go!!!
85) Maintain excess weight loss for 1 year:
86) Renew wedding vows after maintaining excess weight loss for 1 year:
87) Maintain excess weight loss for 2 years:
88) Get plastic surgery after keeping weight off for 2 years:
89) Kite surf?:
90) Play tennis:
91) Join a sand volleyball league:
92) Join a softball league:
93) Roller skate, maybe even rollerblade someday, maybe even join a roller derby league?:
94) Maintain excess weight loss for life: ongoing